
The overall aim of Admin Fairy is to help you feel in control of your money. When you feel in control you feel happier and there is less worry and stress.

I have worked in accounting for twenty years and I think it’s generally acknowledged that doing your admin/accounts is not one of the most enjoyable things. Luckily there are people like me who love it!

I like organising and helping so offering a service which involves both of these is important to me. If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork you have to do or your money habits are making you anxious I can work with you to find the best way through it. I can take over your bookkeeping so it doesnt have to bother you or I can work with you short term until you are confident with your finances.

Based in Lincolnshire, I can work with you in person or use my cloud based accounting software.

Please use the contact form to send me a message